Coffee cups use and etiquette

 News     |      2018-08-30 20:23

How to clean the coffee cups


Coffee is easy to leave coffee on the inner wall of the cup, how to effectively wash without harming the coffee cup? First, you can use a mild mild detergent with a soft cloth scrub, if the effect is not good to the cup can squeeze two drops of lemon Juice, soak for a while and then rinse. If the stain is hard to remove, you can soak it with a toothpaste. But in any case, to avoid using hard brushes and alkaline detergent cleaning, if possible, or to drink coffee as soon as possible after cleaning.

coffee cups

Coffee cups use and etiquette


Tasting coffee is not just a petty bourgeoisie, many people will choose to go to the coffee shop to drink a cup of coffee, or cook coffee at home. After drinking coffee in the meal, usually with a pocket-sized cups. The cup of the cup is small, the fingers can not wear out. But even with a larger cup, do not use your fingers through the cup ear again cup. The correct use of coffee cup, should be the thumb and index finger pinch the cup and then put the cup end. Choose a coffee cup can choose some fine ceramic coffee cup, will bring their own good mood.


When the sugar is added to the coffee, the sugar can be scooped with a coffee spoon and can be added directly to the cup. The sugar can also be used to hold the candy on the side of the coffee dish and add the sugar to the cup. If you put sugar in the cup or hand sugar into the cup, sometimes the coffee may be spilled, so dirty clothes or tablecloths. Coffee is specially used to stir the coffee, drink coffee should be taken out of it. No longer use the coffee spoon scoop the coffee spoon a spoon slowly to drink, do not use coffee spoon to mash the cup of sugar.


Drink coffee, you can use the right hand holding the cup of coffee, left hand gently holding a coffee dish, slowly moved to the mouth light sip. Not enough to grasp the cup, big mouth swallowing, should not bow to the coffee cups. When drinking coffee, do not make a sound. When adding coffee, do not take the coffee cup from the coffee tray. Just cooked the coffee is too hot, you can use a coffee spoon gently stirring in the cup to make it cool, or wait for its natural cooling, and then drink. Trying to wash the coffee with the mouth, is very elegant action. Coffee cups are specially made, high-grade coffee will be supporting, they should be placed on the front or the right side of the drink, the ear should point to the right.